Easy no-cook peach charlotte


First whip the crème fraîche and set aside.

Beat the ricotta with the powdered sugar with an electric mixer.

Mix the whipped cream by hand with a spoon, moving it from bottom to top to ensure a nice consistency.

The cream is ready. Place in the refrigerator until the peach tart base is ready.

Also prepare the peaches.

I used three nectarines for the filling and two for the garnish.

To garnish, take the three nectarines and chop them roughly. 1 cm, then dice.

If peeling bothers you, you can also peel it before cutting.

Place the opening circle (18cm diameter) directly on the serving tray.

Start by shaping the cookie crown around the perimeter.

Take the ladyfingers and cut 1cm off the bottom.

This way it doesn’t get too big and the boudoirs can stand upright.

Moisten the “cut” ladyfingers with the peach juice and place them vertically next to each other on the edge of the circle.

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