Saving 30 euros per month: The plumber’s tip to reduce your electricity bill

With a little DIY you can save electricity this winter.

As temperatures begin to drop and energy becomes more and more expensive, any suggestions that can help reduce heating and electricity bills but also combat extreme cold are welcome. When we talk about saving on heating or electricity, the first things that come to mind are shorter showers, covering cooking pots, reducing the temperature by one degree in winter, snuggling under a blanket while watching TV, etc. Not always with the water heater, a system , which equips many apartments and houses. However, the water heater is the second source of energy after heating the house! It is therefore more than wise to take care of it.

How can you reduce this expense on your electricity bill? Simply by insulating your water heater. Many plumbers and heating engineers cite the obvious advantages. Firstly, it allows you to keep the hot water in the tank longer and ultimately use less. How can you easily insulate the good old hot water tank while making it easily accessible in the event of a problem? You don’t have to be a DIY expert to do this, it’s accessible to everyone! Just make a cover for your device to keep it warm.

For this process you will need:

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